Thông báo
Khoa Xây dựng trân trọng kính mời các thầy, cô giáo, các anh chị đồng nghiệp, các bạn Sinh viên, học viên cao học tham dự Seminar:
Mô hình hóa, tính toán hư hỏng của Kết cấu và Vật liệu
Diễn giả: PGS. TS Bùi Quốc Tính
Viện Công nghệ Tokyo, Nhật Bản.
Địa điểm: phòng 702, Cơ sở Quang Trung.
Thời gian: 08h-10h ngày 08/02/2018.
Nội dung bài Seminar như sau:
This lecture consists of two main parts, one is devoted to the research activities at Hirose & Bui lab, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and another is concerned with the computational models for localized failure problems of materials and structures. Failure of structures usually starts from the initial diffuse damage and ends with the eventual localized rupture. During the last half century, a large volume of theoretical models have been proposed to characterize material behavior with softening regimes. Meanwhile, various computational approaches have also been developed. In this lecture, we present some effective approaches in both discrete and smeared models that are highly suitable for modeling fracture of materials and solids. In addition, some other interesting topics such as Computational Intelligence for Material Modeling will be discussed in case time is allowed.
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