Đội ngũ giảng viên

Bộ môn Công nghệ Xây dựng

  • TS. Hoàng Nhật Đức
  • Chức vụ: Cán bộ Nghiên cứu - Viện NCPTCN Cao
  • Học vị: TS
  • Chức vụ Kiêm nhiệm: Giảng viên
  • Email: hoangnhatduc@dtu.edu.vn
  • Địa chỉ: Phòng 202 - Số 03 Quang Trung

Học vị: Tiến sĩ ; năm: 2013; 

Chuyên ngành: Xây dựng tại: Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc Gia Đài Loan

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: Quản lý xây dựng, Trí thông minh nhân tạo, Khai thác dữ liệu, Tối ưu hóa trong xây dựng

Ngoại ngữ: Anh

Môn học giảng dạy: Quản lý dự án, Lý thuyết tối ưu, tiếng Anh chuyên ngành.


05/2014 - nay        : Khoa Xây dựng + Trung tâm Xây dựng, Cơ học, Vật liệu, Viện RD, Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng.


Trí tuệ nhân tạo:

-Tính toán mô phỏng các vấn đề trong xây dựng sử dụng các thuật toán Mạng nơ-ron thần kinh nhân tạo, máy phân loại véc-tơ, …

-Các ứng dụng cụ thể trong xây dựng: dự báo sạt lở mái dốc, dự đoán chi phí, dòng tiền của dự án,…

Tối ưu hóa:

-Ứng dụng các thuật toán tối ưu hóa siêu tìm kiếm (thuật toán di truyền, thuật toán bầy đàn, tiến hóa vi phân, ….)

-Mô phỏng các vấn đề trong thực tế (lập tiến độ dự án, bố trí nhân lực,…) thành các bài toán tối ưu.

Lập trình

-Lập trình các ứng dụng hỗ trợ các vấn đề mô phỏng và tối ưu hóa trên ngôn ngữ Matlab.



3.1 Bài báo tạp chí thuộc danh mục ISI:


  1. Dieu Tien Bui*, Quoc Phi Nguyen, Nhat-Duc Hoang, Harald Klempe, A Novel Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor Inference model with Differential Evolution for Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides in a Tropical Hilly Area using GIS, Landslides, Impact Factor = 2.870 (Accepted in March 2016).
  2. Dieu Tien Bui*, Tuan Anh Tran, Nhat-Duc Hoang, Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Duy Ba Nguyen, Liem Van Ngo, Pradhan Biswajeet, Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-induced Landslides for the Lao Cai area (Vietnam) Using a Novel hybrid Intelligent Approach of Least-Squares Support Vector Machines Inference Model and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Landslides, Impact Factor = 2.870  (Accepted in April 2016).
  3. -D. Hoang*, Bui Dieu-Tien, K.-W Liao, Groutability Estimation of Grouting Processes with Cement Grouts Using a Novel Metaheuristic Optimized Support Vector Machine, Applied Soft Computing, Impact Factor = 2.8 (In Press) (Accepted in 04 2016).
  4. Dieu Tien Bui*, Binh Thai Pham, Quoc Phi Nguyen, -D. Hoang (2016), Spatially Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using a Hybrid Integration Approach of Least Squares Support Vector Machines and Differential Evolution Optimization: A Case Study in Central Vietnam, International Journal of Digital Earth.
  5. Thu-Hien Tran, Nhat-Duc Hoang* (2016), Predicting Colonization Growth of Algae on Mortar Surface with Artificial Neural Network, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
  6. -D. Pham, N.-D. Hoang*, Q.-T. Nguyen (2016), Predicting Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete Using Metaheuristic-Optimized Least Squares Support Vector Regression, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
  7. -D. Hoang*, A.-D. Pham (2016), Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach Based on Metaheuristic and Machine Learning for Slope Stability Assessment: A Multinational Data Analysis, Expert Systems with Applications.
  8. -D. Hoang*, Dieu Tien Bui (2015), A Novel Relevance Vector Machine Classifier with Cuckoo Search Optimization for Spatial Prediction of Landslides, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
  9. Nhat-Duc Hoang*, Quoc-Lam Nguyen and Quang-Nhat Pham, (2015) Optimizing Construction Project Labor Utilization Using Differential Evolution: A Comparative Study of Mutation Strategies," Advances in Civil Engineering, ESCI.
  10. -D. Hoang; Anh-Duc Pham; Minh-Tu Cao (2014), A Novel Time Series Prediction Approach Based on a Hybridization of Least Squares Support Vector Regression and Swarm Intelligence, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing ESCI.
  11. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang* (2015), "Slope Collapse Prediction Using Bayesian Framework with K-Nearest Neighbor Density Estimation: Case Study in Taiwan", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, , doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000456, 04014116.
  12. T Vu, N.-D. Hoang*(2015), "Punching Shear Capacity Estimation of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Slabs Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Approach", Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
  13. M-Y. Cheng, -D. Hoang*, (2015), Typhoon-induced slope collapse assessment using a novel bee colony optimized support vector classifier, Natural Hazards 78 (3).
  14. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, Y.-W. Wu (2015), "Cash Flow Prediction for Construction Project Using a Novel Adaptive Time-Dependent Least Squares Support Vector Machine Inference Model", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 21 (6), doi: 10.3846/13923730.2014.893906
  15. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, (2015), “Evaluating Contractor Financial Status Using a Hybrid Fuzzy Instance Based Classifier: Case Study in the Construction Industry”, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management.
  16. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang (2015), a Swarm-Optimized Fuzzy Instance-Based Learning Approach for Predicting Slope Collapses in Mountain Roads. Knowledge-Based Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2014.12.022.
  17. M-Y. Cheng, -D. Hoang, L. Limanto, Y.-W. Wu (2014), "A Novel Hybrid Intelligent Approach for Contractor Default Status Prediction", Knowledge-Based Systems, doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2014.08.009.
  18. M-Y. Cheng, -D. Hoang (2014), "A Novel Groutability Estimation Model for Ground Improvement Projects in Sandy Silt Soil Based on Bayesian Framework", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 43, July 2014, Pages 453–458, doi: 10.1016/j.tust.2014.07.001.
  19. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang (2014), "Groutability Prediction of Microfine Cement Based Soil Improvement Using Evolutionary LS-SVM Inference Model", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, doi: 10.3846/13923730.2013.802717.
  20. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang (2014), "Interval Estimation of Construction Cost at Completion Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, doi: 10.3846/13923730.2013.801891.
  21. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang (2014), "Groutability Estimation of Grouting Processes with Microfine Cements Using an Evolutionary Instance-Based Learning Approach", Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000370.
  22. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang (2014) "Risk Score Inference for Bridge Maintenance Project Using Evolutionary Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machine", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering ASCE, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000275.
  23. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang, Y.-W. Wu (2014), " Hybrid Intelligence Approach Based on LS-SVM and Differential Evolution for Construction Cost Index Estimation: A Taiwan Case Study", Automation in Construction, Volume 35, Pages 306-313. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2013.05.018.
  24. -Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang, A. F. V. Roy, Y.-W. Wu (2012), A novel time-depended evolutionary fuzzy SVM inference model for estimating construction project at completion," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 744-752. doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2011.09.022.


3.2 Bài báo tạp chí trong nước và không thuộc ISI


  1. Tran, H.-H., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Groutability Estimation Based on Autotuning Support Vector Machine." Journal of Construction Engineering, 2014, 9.
  2. Tran, H.-H., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "A Novel Resource-Leveling Approach for Construction Project Based on Differential Evolution." Journal of Construction Engineering, 2014, 7.
  3. Hoang, N.-D. (2014). "NIDE: A Novel Improved Differential Evolution for Construction Project Crashing Optimization." Journal of Construction Engineering, 2014, 7.
  4. Hoàng Nhật Đức; Pham Anh Duc, (2015), Một phương pháp mới cho điều hòa tài nguyên của dự án xây dựng sử dụng thuật toán tiến hóa (A new method for construction project resource leveling using evolutionary algorithm), Journal of Science and Technology, Duy Tan University.
  5. Hoàng Nhật Đức, Nguyễn Quốc Lâm, Phạm Quang Nhật (2015), Tối ưu hóa tiến độ và chi phí cho dự án xây dựng sử dụng thuật toán tiến hóa vi phân, Journal of Science and Technology, Duy Tan University.
  6. Hoàng Nhật Đức; Vu Duy Thang*, (2015), Tối ưu hóa kết cấu có điều ràng buộc sử dụng thuật toán bầy đom đóm và các hàm phạt, Journal of Science and Technology, Duy Tan University.
  7. Hồ Văn Võ Sĩ, Hoàng Nhật Đức*, Vũ Duy Thắng, Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy, (2016), Ứng dụng mô hình thông tin xây dựng (BIM) vào việc đo bóc khối lượng công trình xây dựng, Journal of Science and Technology, Duy Tan University.

 3.3 Bài báo hội nghị:

  1. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang, Y.-W. Wu, "Prediction of project cash flow using time-depended evolutionary LS-SVM inference model," in Proceedings of the ISARC 2012 International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2012.
  2. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang,"Estimating Compressive Strength of Rubberized Concrete Using Evolutionary Least Squares Support Vector Machine", in Proceedings of the 16th Construction Engineering and Management Symposium, 2012, Chao Yang University of Technology, Taiwan.
  3. M.-Y. Cheng, D.-H. Tran, N.-D. Hoang,"Fuzzy Clustering Chaotic Differential Evolution for Construction Project Resource Leveling", in Proceedings of the 16th Construction Engineering and Management Symposium, 2012, Chao Yang University of Technology, Taiwan (Best paper award).
  4. Lisayuri Limanto, M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang, "A Hybrid Inference Model Based on Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique and Evolutionary Least Square SVM for Predicting Construction Contractor Default Status", in Proceedings of the 17th Construction Engineering and Management Symposium, 2013, Tam Kang University, Taipei, Taiwan (Best paper award).
  5. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang, N.-W. Chang, "Bayesian Classifier with K-Nearest Neighbor Density Estimation For Slope Collapse Prediction", in Proceedings of the ISARC 2013 International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction, Montreal, Canada, 2013.
  6. Hoàng Nhật Đức, Tối ưu hóa có điều kiện ràng buộc bằng thuật toán tiến hóa, 2014, ĐH Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam.
  7. Hoàng Nhật Đức, Optimization Based on Evolutionary Algorithms - A Review, 2015, ĐH Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam.
  8. Hoàng Nhật Đức, Solving Facility Layout Problem with Genetic Algorithm, 2015, ĐH Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam.
  9. Nhat-Duc, Hoang; Bui Tien, Dieu. Groutability estimation of granular soils with cement-based grouts using a hybridization of soft computing approaches. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium; 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
  10. Bui Tien, Dieu; Hoang, Nhat-Duc; Yilmaz, Isik. Classifier ensemble of instance based learning algorithm with rotation forest technique for mapping of rainfall-induced shallow landslides using GIS. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium; 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11.
  11. Trần Thu Hiền, Hoàng Nhật Đức, Modeling algal colonization growth on mortar surface with artificial neural networks, Duy Tan University, 19/04/2016.
  12. Hoàng Nhật Đức, Landslide spatial prediction using a hybrid intelligent approach, Duy Tan University, 19/04/2016.

3.4 Sách:




  1. Đề tài thực hiện


  1. Hướng dẫn Kỹ sư, Thạc sỹ, Nghiên cứu sinh, Phản biện báo


b1. Giải thưởng


b2. Sinh viên NCKH


b3. Hướng dẫn Thạc sỹ


Võ Tuyên. Ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo để dự báo sạt lở đất (2016)


  1. Phản biện (reviewer) bài báo cho tạp chí
  • Automation in construction (Elservier) (Outstanding Reviewer)
  • Applied Soft Computing (Elservier) (Recognized Reviewer)
  • IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE)
  • International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (World Scientific Publishing)
  • Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (Taylor & Francis)
  • Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE)
  • Knowledge-based Systems (Elservier)
  • Neural Computing and Applications (Springer)